Monday, January 29, 2018

Chile: the best country to grow berries

Chile has a unique favorable weather conditions for growing berries, which Chile has done on wild berries for many decades. Lately, Chile has planted intensively several different berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, cherries and others.
Having this berry industry, Chile has developed the berry exports, going mostly fresh today into several markets, around this fresh export business, the industry for frozen, Juices and dried has also grown. Today we can offer several different frozen berries such as Raspberries (meeker also available), Strawberries (under programs), blueberries, maqui, black berries and other species. We can also offer dried blueberry and cherry.
Europe is today the most important market for Chile, but other Asian countries has started already to ask more and more this product.

Facility: BRC facilities certified along Chile country for frozen berries & Juice

.. Dried Blueberries and dried cherry

Growing area: Mostly down south Chile 500 kms and southern

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